Used Fleet Car Sale Blog

Two Items for Monday, January 14 ’08

First, please take a look at our new inventory sheet…we’ve run across lots of great new cars.  Call your Account Exec for more info! Secondly, the big North American International Auto Show is now up and running, and this week is Press Week.  The public is invited this coming Saturday, but, there will be lots […]

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Getting ready for Spring?

Please note we’ve updated our inventory mid-morning today, and for the first time in a while we’ve found some nice convertible units for the buyer who needs to get ‘out front’ on stocking up for Spring inventory.  We have some nice Mustang Convertible units, and also take a look at the (hard to find…) 2006 […]

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Rental Car Prices

Bottom Line Personal: May 15. 2007 Rental-car prices change as often as 20 times a day, with swings as great as 28%, says auto-rental consultant Michael J. Kane. Thanks to the Internet, rental firms repeatedly compare prices charged by competitors and adjust their own prices quickly. Strategy: Compare prices on Web sites such as Orbitz […]

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Risky Business

Auto Rental News December 2006 Three years ago, we asked the question: As part of the balance a well-run rental company should have, you should be prepared to have some portion of your fleet as “risk” cars, just to offset the possibility that the manufacturers might some day do away with their buyback programs. That […]

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It’s Time to Diversify Your Remarketing Plan

Auto Rental News July/August 2005 My previous article talked about the importance of proper fleet planning and dedicating the appropriate resources and time to get the job done and reduce costs. In light of the response I received, that article prompted some of you to start thinking more about fleet and review where your company […]

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Taking the Guesswork Out of Fleet Management

Auto Rental News May/June 2005 How much time do you and your staff spend truly managing your rental fleet? Try taking this simple test. If you can accurately answer all of the following questions, you don’t need to read this article any further. – What percentage of your company’s gross revenue is spent on car […]

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Moving Service to the Fast Lane

Auto Rental News January / February 2005 Today, everything about your fleet is costing more. CAP cost, interest, insurance, it all seems to be on the rise which is causing owners and management to spend more time than ever trying to rein in the cost of your fleet. If you’ve read our past articles you […]

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Finding and Challenging Staff Committed to Your RAC’s Success

Auto Rental News December 2004 In the September/October issue of Auto Rental News, I shared my thoughts on company culture and how it forms the foundation of successful firms. I also described how an improperly constructed cultural foundation could lead to a company’s failure. The next phase in the construction of a healthy and thriving […]

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Company Culture – What It Is? How You Get IT and Why You Should Care

Auto Rental News October 2004 Summary – Company culture is the bedrock of your business. – If your company culture recognizes and rewards employee efforts and results, employees will be more involved and invigorated. – A culture that’s allowed to develop on its own, without management’s guidance, indicates a failure of leadership. – To transform […]

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